Historic Route 66

Historic Route 66 is located in western Arizona, just south of Kingman. The byway begins in McConnico off I-40 and travels southwest to Topock, returning to I-40.

The 48-mile drive follows a paved, two-lane road suitable for most vehicles. There are sharp curves along this route; it is not recommended for vehicles over 40 feet. The byway is usually passable all year.

The Black Mountains region of the original Route 66 is preserved here along this scenic drive. There are famous sites to be discovered or revisited, including the Sitgreaves Pass tri-state overlook, which provides a spectacular view into the states of California, Nevada, and Arizona. Also along this back country byway is the vintage Cool Springs Gas Station, which has been rebuilt and contains old photos and artist renderings.

Building foundations, rock formations, and mine shafts are all that remain of the once bustling gold mining community of Gold Road Townsite. In its heyday, thousands of people inhabited the area. The former townsite is privately owned, please respect the property owner’s rights!

Located midway along the scenic drive is the town of Oatman. Oatman was first settled in the late 1880s and once claimed a bustling population of 8,000. It is famous for the Oatman Hotel, the honeymoon hideaway of Clark Gable and Carole Lombard. The hotel is now a museum. Among the town’s other attractions are wild burros, which freely wander through the streets.

Mount Nutt Wilderness lies to the north of the byway and Warm Springs Wilderness to the south. These wilderness areas are an invitation for hiking, backpacking, and horseback riding. Back country camping is permitted nearly anywhere within the wilderness. A number of rough, unmarked side roads along the byway serve as access points to the areas. There are no maintained trails; travel is cross-country.

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